Of Galactic Birthdays and Levelling Up

Of Galactic Birthdays and Levelling Up

Of Galactic Birthdays and Levelling Up

According to the 13 Moon Calendar, It’s my Galactic Birthday today!

Kin 1 Red Magnetic Dragon! The start of a new 260 day cycle of new beginnings! Of restart! Of conscious creation!

Of new sacred intentions! Intentions imbibed with awareness!

It’s time to level up both individually and collectively! To rise up in Love! In Unity! In Consciousness!

Time to restart! Regroup! Re-calibrate! Course correct! And choose again! Differently! Wisely!

Today is a powerful galactic portal! Walk into it consciously and bring into it all that is aligned with you!

Words! Thoughts! Perceptions!Interactions! Movement!

Today is the day to bury old habits, identities, stories!

It is also an auspicious time to be done with old ideas and projects that lack purpose and that you’ve been dragging for years without making any headway!

Ideas and projects that you couldn’t nourish and nurture because you didn’t believe in them.

Instead, use this potent day overflowing with Feminine Red Magnetic Dragon energy that is mothering, birthing, nourishing and nurturing to set powerful intentions.

What soil is fertile and can be the perfect place to plant new habits, ideas, start new projects?!

Take an inventory of your current lifestyle, surroundings, people.

How have they influenced and shaped your current reality and identity?!

And without judging them, but with an overflowing love and compassion, use a prayer, journaling, meditation to release them if they no longer nourish you, so that you can create space for the new reality and new magic to grace your life.

Use today as a new beginning! A clean slate! A point from which your next level is birthed!

Go within, find stillness in the sound of your breath, connect to your High Heart and start the journey of self enquiry by asking the following questions:

In which areas of my life have I been playing small out of fear of being judged?!

Where have I been neglecting my own needs for the sake of pleasing others?!

Where am I still holding onto the old structures out of fear?!

What old patterns, habits, behaviours am I ready to release?!

How can I step fully into my own power and nurture it and nourish it daily?!

Nurture your Soul and your Desires and remember to hustle gently!


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