Are you so busy changing, that you don’t have time to transform?
Change is OK when aligned with proper (read YOUR) action.
Otherwise it’s lolly gagging. It usually omits one very important element from the equation – a new identity.
Nothing changes long term if new intention and action are performed by the old identity.
Sooner or later self-sabotage will come knocking and we’ll find ourselves at square one.
Change is loud! It loves audience, it thrives on words and massive loud acts of declarations that only hold while externally stimulated (audience).
It’s entertaining and ego mind loves it! It loves intellectual masturbation that never brings you to climax…
Transformation is where it’s at.
Transformation takes time, courage, stripping of the various layers of old identities, but it gets you wherever you are heading to faster.
It’s quiet, and like a good movie, art, performance, it transforms you, quietly, and you never look at life the same way as before.
It stays with you forever and you don’t have to shout out – ‘Look at me! Look how I’ve changed!’
Your energy shows it and it reflects it in your words, actions and your whole being.
It’s how I got rid of 44kgs, wrote a bestselling book and grew my business beyond my wildest dreams!
Transformation loves a gentle hustle!