January Musings – The pandemic burnout is very real.

January Musings – The pandemic burnout is very real.

January Musings


The pandemic burnout is very real.

Judging by an avalanche of coaching requests, I can safely say that we’ve had enough.

Pretty much all of my clients, who are total ninjas when it comes to doing life, are beginning to hit, some sort of a pandemic wall.

They have started feeling down and are experiencing a kind of brain fog, fatigue, lethargy, and in some cases a light depression…

They are tired of not knowing the end of this saga, tired of home schooling, isolating, wearing masks, not to mention the unavoidable Covid updates, hearing about yet another travel corridor closure, PCR tests

They are tired of zoom calls, exercising from home, not seeing and hugging their loved ones.

Some of them are facing the lockdown after lockdown alone…and it’s not easy.

And without the risk of sounding like total downer, I’d like to point out that it is ok to feel all the emotions, anger, frustration.

It is totally OK to be sad and fed up and not feeling OK.

Even in non pandemic times, third week of January is usually referred as a blue, a week where holidays are over, and with very little to look forward to…

A week where ‘positive vibes only’ won’t quite cut it!

I feel that rather than obsessing about endless to do lists and running away from feelings, maybe the time has come to redefine our relationship with ourselves, and to focus more on our ‘to be and sit with what is’ list

So take all the time you need to be with your emotions, reach out, talk, share… Now is not the time for a stiff upper lip and pushing forward and hustling hard.

Now is the time to honour all of your emotions.

Now is not the time to pretend that everything is fine and things will be back to normal soon.

Things won’t be back to normal soon. They will never be how we had known them to be.

They will be. Different. And so will we. And that will be our next normal.

And we’d do ourselves a world of good if we accepted that. If we became softer, and gentler to ourselves.

And since we are craving normalcy, let me remind you that being soft, gentle and delicate is the new normal.

Sending you all so much love and praying that something wonderful happens to you this week ❤️🙏🏻

Lidija & Thomas


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