F U L L C I R C L E B A B Y 🥳

F U L L C I R C L E B A B Y 🥳


F U L L  C I R C L E  B A B Y 🥳|| That was my 2020 experience! I did some epic shit and closed two massive cycles that have been a source of a major energy block for over a decade. I also did some #basicbitch and #cliche things🥳 I learnt how to bake a banana bread, tried my hand at making a sourdough and failed, drank some fantastic red wines, and walked the length of Italy on Hampstead Heath!

As you know, I am not a fan of new-year-new-me -and-turning-the-new-leaf come-January-1st club.

I started 2020 with the same intentions I’ve been setting since 2015 – to hustle gently and to live the highest and truest expression of my Soul. Easy 😜

And while 2020 was challenging for many, I somehow found joy in just being and doing and having some mindblowing experiences.

I had some shitty ones too, because..balance 🙋🏻‍♀️

I worked way more than I planned to (but that’s gentle hustle for you…flow and give into it) and I healed! A lot! And the healing helped me close some cycles.

2020 took me on an inner journey I’ve never thought I needed. But, it turned out that I did 👁

I sat in healing ceremonies with the medicine and the medicine was relentless and generous…It’s called that’s tough love🥳I listened, did the work and felt freedom and spaciousness and connection that I’ve never felt before🙏🏻

I used that freedom and space and connection to create more freedom and more space and even deeper connection 👁

I closed cycles, I said my goodbyes, I cried and laughed and weirdly loved every minute of it.

I created space for some amazing people to enter my personal and professional circle.I learnt that when I surrender fully, there is nothing holding me back.

And I learned that 2020 was the year I’ve been preparing for.
After a particularly challenging cycle of 3 years, I am fully alive and loving.

I am a wholesome 49 year old woman who finally learnt what it feels like to be her!

My queens, build a home for your Soul and may days and years to come show you that you are mightily cosmically unprecedented and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

Hustle gently and grow wealthy ❤️👸🏻🧠💰🌎🎉


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